Dunlingr - Eternal Voice | Journey Unfolds


In today's Journey Unfolds, we're taking a closer look at the newest member of the Celestial Faction—Dunlingr. Once a town leader, he has now transformed into the Celestial Guardian of Order, ringing out his mighty bell and wielding unstoppable power to dominate the battlefield.

开发者日志 顿里尔


Guardian of Order

Dunlingr was a town leader who believed in strict order, enforcing laws with an iron grip to keep the peace. However, when the first Divine War broke out, the world descended into chaos. During the Hypogean invasion, Dunlingr climbed the bell tower and rang the alarm to warn the people to flee. He was soon spotted by the enemy and fell in a fierce battle. Dura raised him as one of the Celestials, granting him the power of sound. It is said that wherever he goes, order is restored, and prosperity follows.



Dunlingr's Skills

As a tank of the Celestial Faction, Dunlingr serves as both a battlefield guardian and a figure of fear that enemies dread. His combat style focuses on constraint and control, using the sound of his bell to compel everyone to follow his rules.


Echo of Silence

Dunlingr's Ultimate, Echo of Silence, allows him to summon the Bell of Order onto the battlefield, enforcing a rule that everyone must obey for a period of time. When the bell is in Spellbind form, no one can use their Ultimate, and in Curelock form, healing other units is not allowed. Each time Dunlingr activates his Ultimate, he rings the Bell of Order, enforcing the rule for a set time and dealing damage to all enemies.




Grand Resonance

Dunlingr releases a shockwave, delivering multiple hits to enemies in front of him. When the Bell of Order is set to Spellbind, the shockwave slows the enemy's attack speed. When the Bell of Order is set to Curelock, the shockwave deals extra damage based on the enemy's lost HP.




Harmonic Soundwall

If the Bell of Order is set to Spellbind, Dunlingr gains a shield that lasts until the end of the battle whenever an enemy casts their Ultimate. If the Bell of Order is set to Curelock, Dunlingr gains the same shield each time he takes a certain amount of damage.




Clemency Chime

After unlocking his exclusive skill, Dunlingr protects the farthest ally, ensuring they are not affected by his order for the remainder of the battle.



Ending Remarks

With Dunlingr's arrival, the battlefield is filled with an unshakable sense of order and power—he is sure to shift the tide of battle. Let's see how this Guardian of Order transforms the battlefield with his awe-inspiring bell and commanding presence.


Dunlingr Launch Date:

September 20, 2024, 00:00 UTC