Ludovic - Wreathed Eternalist | Journey Unfolds


The Graveborn faction welcomes another noble member—Ludovic. He has the youthful appearance of a 15-year-old teenager but is likely to be several hundred years old, just like Ulmus. To him, time is nothing but a cold string of numbers. As a Graveborn artist, he is tired of immortality and desires true, complete death as the ultimate pursuit in art. Today, let us delve into Ludovic's story and learn more about his skills!

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A Genius Gone Too Soon

Born into a noble Lightbearer family, Ludovic was undoubtedly the apple of his family's eyes during his lifetime, as his parents had him late in life. Whispers of his tenth birthday became legendary: the cascade of gifts was so overwhelming that his parents built a mansion just to house the treasure trove.

From a tender age, Ludovic displayed remarkable talent in magic and art, especially in painting and sculpture. His family had high hopes for him, but fate dealt him a cruel blow—he was afflicted with a terminal hereditary disease during his teenage years. His condition deteriorated day by day, and even the imperial physician was unable to find a cure. In a bid to survive longer, Ludovic pored through the collection of magical tomes at home and, against all odds, succeeded with his exceptional gift in magic.

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After he passed away from his illness, his soul did not dissipate as expected. It was unknown how he achieved it.
The news of Ludovic's passing spread wide and far, and many mourned his death. Consequently, he had no choice but to withdraw to a secluded mansion with his family's help and began a solitary life that spanned centuries. He witnessed the passing of all his loved ones, enduring perpetual immortality alone.

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The Flower That Never Wilts

Ludovic always carries with him a bouquet of everblooms, flowers meant for the deceased.



Ludovic's parents once planted everblooms in the courtyard of his tomb. Later, Ludovic himself brought the flowers to the graves of his family who had loved him dearly. Everbloom was also the flower Ludovic offered to himself. The everbloom bouquet he carries is not crafted from nature but from his own magic. Immune to decay, they remain forever pristine.

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Ludovic lived in a mansion that served as a library for his family. While he only managed to read a small part of the collection during his lifetime, he finished the rest after he became a Graveborn. The mansion also housed many of his paintings and sculptures, but all of them have long decayed.


Ludovic's Skills

All of Ludovic's skills revolve around his beloved everblooms. His enchanted everbloom field can punish trespassers and heal his allies. Let's find out more about his skills!

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Eternal Serenity
At the start of a battle, Ludovic can trigger the passive effect of this skill and generate a field of everblooms at his position to heal adjacent allies. The everbloom field will wither when its healing amount depletes, but it can slowly restore its healing amount through other skills and revive after some time. When this Ultimate is used actively, Ludovic will move the everbloom field to another position for it to release multiple wide-range healing waves.
This skill is crucial for your formation as it can restore substantial HP for adjacent allied heroes within the everbloom field.

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Lifeweaver's Blooms
The passive effect of this skill can restore the healing amount of Ludovic's everbloom field. Whenever an enemy loses substantial HP, the everbloom field will absorb part of their lost HP. When this skill is used actively, Ludovic will hurl everblooms at an enemy and cause them to lose HP over time.

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Ethereal Blooms
When Ethereal Blooms is cast, Ludovic moves the everbloom field to the designated ally's position and absorbs the HP of a nearby enemy to restore the everbloom field's healing amount, offering continuous healing support to the ally.
This skill provides excellent support for tank allies who charge at the front line.

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Ephemeral Berries

Once this exclusive skill is unlocked, Ludovic's everbloom field will produce an explosive berry every few times it absorbs HP through Lifeweaver's Blooms, dealing damage to enemies and healing allies within range. This skill makes Ludovic a great support for his allies on the battlefield.

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Ending Remarks

"Immortality is a blessing, yet it entails nothingness and loneliness. The ignorant desire it, the ambitious see it as their goals, but fundamentally, it is a curse."

The time-limited Rate Up Recruitment for Ludovic is now available in the game! If you enjoy using a Graveborn formation, you mustn't miss this elegant Graveborn Support hero!