Journey Unfolds: The Radinov Family
Amid the howling winds and snowstorms of Whiteridge lie many untold stories. Among them, the name Radinov stands as a symbol of loyalty and guardianship. In this Journey Unfolds, we will revisit the family's past and explore the legends they've forged in the heart of the blizzards.
AFK Journey 1.3.1 Patch Notes
In order to improve your game experience, the server will undergo maintenance on January 17 from 07:00 to 08:00 UTC to update to Version 1.3.1. You will not be able to log in during this time. For the safety of your account data, please exit the game before the maintenance begins. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Traveller's Guide to Cedartown
The Duchy of Whiteridge, a vassal state of the Lightbearer Empire, derives its name from Whiteridge, a majestic and towering peak within its borders. Nestled among the mountains, Cedartown stands as the most well-known and prosperous spot in this tranquil land, where residents primarily rely on hunting and craftsmanship for their livelihood. Every winter, visitors flock to Cedartown for the Snowspire Festival, providing a significant boost to the local economy.
Esperia calls—your journey never ends!
The new season is just around the corner, and we couldn’t be more excited—not only for a fresh chapter of adventures but also to welcome back Magister Merlin! To celebrate your return, we’ve prepared exclusive rewards: over 40 Invite Letters and 3000 Diamonds. Once the season begins on January 17, you can activate and participate in the Rekindled Glory event to claim these rewards!
Talk with Designers: Chains of Eternity
The countdown to the big launch on January 17 is officially on, and we can't wait to see you in action. In the meantime, we want to highlight some key optimizations and adjustments coming with the new season. Consider this your early briefing to help you get ready for the new season, and we're eager to hear your thoughts about this!
Bonnie - Obsidian Claws | Journey Unfolds
Within the Dead Tide Fleet, there is an exceptional marksman whom Hodgkin trusts deeply. Known for her level-headedness and sharp wit, she excels at reading the battlefield and tracking her enemies, consistently leading her forces to victory. Her meticulous nature and unwavering dedication have earned her the respect of all. She is Bonnie, the Obsidian Claws.
Winter Carnival: History and Traditions
Every year in late December, preparations for the Winter Carnival are in full swing in Esperia. During this grandest holiday of the year, the people light lanterns that adorn the land like twinkling stars, heralding the return of longer daylight after the winter solstice. In some regions, large bonfires known as the "Flame of Winter" are lit to drive away the cold and welcome the arrival of spring.
1.2.4 Patch Update: Winter Carnival, New Quest, Combat Crucible, More
As the snow falls and Esperia is wrapped in winter’s embrace, tales of celebration, mystery, and strategic triumph await. Step into Patch 1.2.4, brimming with light, camaraderie, and thrilling challenges!
Hugin - Maverick Smith | Journey Unfolds
This guy affectionately calls his hammer Hardhead and his prosthetic leg Whistler, as they aren't just his tools but his closest aides. He embodies the true spirit of craftsmanship, with a fiery passion for forging and exceptional skills. While he may not be the most meticulous person, he makes up for it with his easygoing character and boundless enthusiasm. Now let's meet Hugin, a Lightbearer Support.
AFK Journey 1.2.4 Patch Notes
In order to improve your game experience, the server will undergo maintenance on December 19 from 07:00 to 08:00 UTC to update to Version 1.2.4. Server maintenance may end early or take longer than scheduled, depending on the progress of the update. You will not be able to log in during this time. For the safety of your account data, please exit the game before the maintenance begins. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.