Traveller's Guide to the Wilder Territory



Wilder Territory, known for its lush forests and mysterious beliefs, surrounds Holistone and splits into two main areas: the Dark Forest and the Vaduso Mountains. Each area has its own unique charm. The Dark Forest is famous for its tranquil nature and the ancient Lucent Tree, while the Vaduso Mountains teem with herbs are a haven for herbalists and also seated the Taran.


But this place isn't just about exploration; it's also full of unknown challenges! Travelers, to ensure a safe and pleasant adventure, please be well-prepared and follow local customs and rules.

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Things to Know


Wilder is a multi-faction group with nature as its core belief. The ones who live in the Dark Forest and the Vaduso Mountains are all children of Misarte. Their lives are deeply intertwined with nature, as they live in harmony with forests, rivers, and wildlife, drawing strength from nature. Not all Wilders are born in ordinary ways; some, like Hewynn, are formed by the power of nature itself.


In the Dark Forest, Wilder isn't run by a typical government but by sages from three factions: Dusk, Thorned, and Wind Faction. They make decisions together through negotiation and consensus, ensuring peace and harmony within their territory.

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Local Beliefs

In Wilder Territory, Misarte is a highly respected deity, regarded as the guardian of the earth and rivers. She is depicted as a majestic Deer Spirit, representing strength, wisdom, and the balance of nature. Wilders believe that Misarte grants them the power to coexist with nature and will guide them through difficult times.


Every year, Wilders from the surrounding areas come together at Spirit Mound for a big ceremony to show their respect and gratitude to Misarte. These ceremonies are more than just religious events; they are also important moments for community bonding and cultural heritage. From farming and medicine to education, the belief in Misarte is woven into their daily lives influencing everything. For Wilders, Misarte is not just a deity but also the very core and soul of their way of life.



Best Places to Visit

Lucent Tree

The Lucent Tree sits in the middle of the Dark Forest. As an ancient, massive sacred tree, it stands tall and shines brilliantly. According to legend, this tree was planted by Misarte herself, symbolizing the everlasting power of life and nature. Every night, the tree glows softly, like countless fireflies dancing among its branches, lighting up the entire forest. The Lucent Tree is not just a natural marvel but also an important venue for Wilder's ceremonies and rituals.




Taran River

The Taran River is important in the Vaduso Mountains, often called the "Mother River" by the locals. It meanders through the Vaduso Mountains and the Dark Forest, providing water and vitality to all the creatures along its banks.


Here's a poem about the Taran River:

The Taran River flows day and night,

Nourishing plants with a touch so light,

Sheltering creatures in her gentle embrace.

Our years are washed by Taran's flow,

Its waters pure, our spirits glow.

With every sip, we cleanse our woes,

From sickness free, as peace bestows.

For generations, we've stood by her side,

Our bond with the river, deep and wide,

If one day I must part, let it be grand,

As a grain in her bed, I'll rest in her sand.



Lovers' Wish

Lovers' Wish is situated along the lower part of the Taran River, home to a stunning yellow flowerbed. During sunset, the field glows warmly in the afterglow, making it a perfect spot for couples. Locals think of it as a place of pure romance, and there's a legend that if lovers make a promise here, their love will last for eternity.




Jade Lake Academy

Jade Lake Academy is seated close to Lovers' Wish and offers courses in magic and herbalism, with a strong emphasis on the study of nature and ecology. It's surrounded by emerald forests, providing a perfect environment for learning. Professor Florabelle at Jade Lake Academy is known for her patience and friendly attitude.




Ivoryshade, tucked away deep in the Vaduso Mountains, is a mystical spot within the Wilder Territory. Only a few lucky ones can discover the hidden path to it. It's known for its calm, peaceful atmosphere and mysterious charm, blessed by Misarte as a secluded paradise. The villagers here live simple and meaningful lives that are closely tied to nature.



Spirit Mound

Spirit Mound is a sacred place in the Wilder Territory. Legend has it that this is where the Deer Spirit appeared. Every Prayer Day, the people of Ivoryshade gather here, dance under the full moon, and present offerings to Misarte to show their gratitude and prayers.

Note: You can only go to Spirit Mound on Prayer Day.



Best Time to Visit

Spring is the best time to visit the Wilder Territory. The place is full of life with new blossoms and little animals, making it great for hiking and nature observation. Given the nice weather and the blossoms everywhere, it is the perfect season for exploring the Dark Forest and Vaduso Mountains. It is also advisable to avoid the rainy season as it gets cold and damp in the forest, which isn't ideal for tourism.




Travel Tips

- Be nature-friendly: Avoid picking plants, bothering animals, or leaving trash. Please protect the environment.

- Respect the culture: Respect the Wilder culture and traditions. It's rude to stare right at the moon in Ivoryshade, and going to Spirit Mound other than Prayer Day is thought to bring bad luck.

- Stay Safe: The terrain in the forest and mountains is tricky. Stick to the marked paths to prevent getting lost or running into danger.

- Use Herbs Smartly: In emergencies, seek out antlergrass shaped like antlers. Crush it into powder for fever relief or apply it to wounds to stop bleeding.

- Mind your words: Windwhisperers in the Wilder can hear far-off conversations from the wind, so don't badmouth anyone behind their back.

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Ending Remarks

Thanks for choosing to explore the beautiful and mysterious Wilder Territory. We hope this guide may help you get the most out of your visit to the wonders and culture in this land. From the awe-inspiring Lucent Tree to making romantic wishes by the Taran River, the Wilder Territory will definitely offer you unforgettable memories! Remember, it's our duty as travelers to respect nature and local culture. Enjoy your magical journey and discover all the amazing sights and experiences this place has to offer. Have a safe and wonderful time exploring every corner of the Wilder Territory!